Looking for more space in your home? Feeling cluttered by tired old furniture that you’ve been meaning to replace? Do you entertain often?
If the answer is yes, then it’s time to get a sofa bed. But while customers may be familiar with the convenience and multi-purpose functionality that comes with a sofa bed, they often have questions as to the availability of sizes in these furnishings and how they compare with their traditional counterparts.
At Spaze Furniture, we have the perfect sofa bed to accommodate any size space. But we want our consumers to be well-informed before choosing the piece that best fits their needs.
Sofa beds do come in many different sizes and configurations and it can be tough to decide which one is right for you and your living space. In an effort to clarify and educate, let’s review the options that are available, the best way to decide which size is ideal for your home, and some additional helpful hints to ensure that your purchase will provide a good nights sleep for years to come!
Sofa Bed or Traditional Bed: Which Bed is Best?
An important factor in the decision between a sofa bed vs a traditional bed is placement. Do you live in a studio or small apartment where available floor space is at a premium? Are you considering the purchase of a sofa bed to accommodate guests? How much square footage is available in the room where you expect to place your sofa bed?
These and other questions can help you make the decision as to whether a sofa bed or a traditional bed is the right option.
You can find a wide range of top quality sofa beds in the Spaze catalog to fit any room and any budget, while matching the interior decor of your home. With a full selection of colors and styles from which to choose, the decision between getting a sofa bed or a traditional bed has never been easier to make.
A customer who resides in a studio or small apartment with limited available square footage may not want a traditional bed to take up all that floor space. A sofa bed can give you the freedom to open up more floor space for living instead of sleeping. A Spaze furniture sofa bed can free up square footage during the day and simply open it up into a sleeping position at night when you’re ready to turn in for the evening. The next morning, close the sofa bed to a seated position and go about your day.
For those customers who are planning a guest room, a sofa bed offers a more versatile option than a traditional bed. This is especially true if you don’t entertain often but want to give friends and relatives an inviting and comfortable place to sleep when they do drop by for family functions and special holidays. When you put a sofa bed in a guest room, you have the freedom to use the space for other purposes when guests aren’t staying for the night or the week.
The Size of Your Sofa Bed
Choosing the right size for your sofa bed requires some forethought and proper measurement. But if you take all of these factors into account before you purchase the piece, you’ll feel confident knowing you made the right choice and won’t have to rearrange your living space to accommodate a sofa bed size that overwhelms your square footage.
Browse the Spaze Furniture catalog and you will find two-seater sofa beds, three-seater sofa beds, and sectional sofa options as well, all of which can turn any room into a more versatile and functional living space.
Measure the Room
Let’s pause for a second to discuss the importance of measurement. While you can find a variety of Spaze sofa beds that cater to compact and tight-fitting areas with space saver options that reduce the amount of floor space needed for opening and closing sofa bed from a seated to a sleeping position, it is imperative that you measure how much space is available to accommodate the furniture in both open and closed positions.
Since many sofa bed sizes are similar to the sizes of traditional beds, you want to take the same considerations as you would if you were purchasing a mattress, bed frame, and headboard for a regular bed. Very important! Before you buy, measure the space where your sofa bed will reside and account for the full extension of the sleeping surface along the width and length so there is plenty of available space.
Avoid having the sleeping surface wedged up against an opposite wall so you or your guests don’t have to climb over the extended sleeping surface just to move through the room. That can pose all kinds of problems that can result in damage to the walls, surrounding furnishings, and your sofa bed.
2-Seater Sofa Beds
The first thing to recognize about a two-seater is that it can be deceptively larger when extended into an open position. Spaze furniture has a range of two-seater sofa beds that open into queen size and king size convertible sleeping surfaces that offer more than enough room for two adults to get a good night’s sleep side by side.
Keep in mind, the size of the sofa bed in an open position is similar in size to traditional queen or king size beds but they are NOT identical. In the case of most queen size and king size sofa beds, the sleeping surfaces are typically longer and slightly more narrow than traditional beds.
Before you buy, be sure you check the actual dimensions of the sofa bed in both the open and closed positions. You can find the dimensions in the product listing of the product you are browsing in the online catalog.
Don’t become too focused on the extended size of the sofa bed that you forget to measure the size of the sofa when it’s in a closed position as well. This can help you decide if you need a sofa bed that offers space-saving “wall hugger” features or if the standard sofa bed will be sufficient for your home and the room you plan to furnish with the product.
3-Seater Sofa Beds
Although these are somewhat wider as to accommodate three seated adults comfortably, these sofa beds are also available in queen size and king size options that also bring additional features like storage compartments and easy-to-operate frame mechanisms that allow one person to open and shut the sofa with ease.
When choosing the sofa bed you want, be sure to check the product details first. The dimensions of these products can vary and when space is tight in your home, every inch counts. Consider how the product opens and shuts as well. Some sofa beds fold down to create the sleeping surface, others open up with the back cushions and frame of the sofa unchanged and remaining in place. Sort of similar in a way to the headboard of a traditional bed.
Sectional Sofa Beds
Sectionals are ideal for homes that have more open space to accommodate the sofa in both upright and flat positions. Many Spaze furniture sectionals are reversible so you can place the lounge seat facing right or left, depending on your preference or the available space in the room.
Opening the sectional sofa bed into a sleeper sofa requires you to unlock the backrests of the sofa into flat positions, giving you and your guests ample room for two adults to sleep in total comfort. The length of the sleeping surface can extend as far as 91 inches, making it longer than a normal king size bed.
Once again, a reminder to check the dimensions of the product before you buy!
Sleep Well and Save Space
The choice is yours! Check out the Spaze furniture catalog of sofa beds to find the multifunctional choice for your living space. Consider the size of your room, how much space you have to fill, and think about the weight of the product as well. If you have limited square footage in a small studio apartment or you expect to move from one home to another in a few years, you might want to go with something smaller instead of a larger piece of furniture that will be cumbersome to shift, lift, or reassemble when you change your residence in the future.
But whether you’re buying a sofa bed to use on a daily basis or instead for when guests are staying over for any length of time, you can trust Spaze furniture to have the most innovative and best quality products on the market.
Browse our catalog and you will find sofa beds of all sizes and colors to fit your home, budget, and lifestyle. Mattress toppers are also available for those who want a little extra soft comfort to get a good night’s sleep.