The first daybeds were developed in the late 1600s as headrests started to form longer chairbacks; perhaps originating from the Greeks; the Romans borrowed the designs and elaborated. Daybeds, Chaise Lounges, or Sleeper Chairs were found in “fainting rooms” during the Victorian era. Specifically used for the results of tightly drawn corsets; ladies would try to catch their breath by resting on these luscious daybeds found in the side/spare rooms from the great gathering/living rooms.
These ancient daybeds were often made of stone or marble and festooned with pillows and cloth. The Legs were highly decorated and turned from bone or stone. Fabrics were luxurious and expensive. They were not flexible in movement, however, did add to a room’s versatility for seating and resting or lounging.
Daybeds continued to be used in spaces of congregation for lounging and luxury throughout the centuries, offering versatility to large and small living spaces over the years of its ever-changing architecture and design.
The modern daybed has become more basic in design and more versatile in its function– frames are perhaps more simply made of wood or metal or both, allowing for ease of movement. Their designs can range from simple, modern, contemporary, to ornate and can fit a wide range of budgets. Ready to fit any room for its multi-purpose use to any space. Be it apartment or condo living to a house or office space the modern daybed can create seating, resting, and sleeping opportunities as a single of double sized bed. It can have storage in its design making it highly functional for small space living.
Here at Spaze Furniture we honour the roots of the daybed with all the luxury in place in the simplest of designs. Our priority is comfort, versatility, and style. Our Vida Daybed meets this with its gorgeous fabric colours, its level 4 on the comfort scale, solid wood frame and clean design. The Vida Daybed is perfect for that nook in the living room or spare wall in the office/gym making functional living easy and smart.
The Vida Daybeds add their own touch of luxury and chicness to any part of your living space. They have clean lines, open, airy space, and are very sleek and pleasing to the eye. They are designed to make your small living space feel grand.