Buying a new sectional sofa can be quite confusing, so we have compiled all our knowledge on the subject for you to make a better decision. Here are the main points to pay attention when looking for a new sectional sofa.

LH or RH:

All sectional sofas have two parts: a sofa portion and a chaise. What side the chaise is on determines if the sofa is a left handed or right handed but this can get a little confusing as the chase in on different side depending if you are sitting on the couch or standing looking at it. So to clear things up the appropriate way to determine if a sectional is LH or RH is by looking at while standing not sitting on it. Do not get this confused because many times the orientation on the sofa can really influence the flow of your living room, for example the following sofa is a LH as the chaise on on the left when looking at the picture.

In addition to this information there are also reversible sectional that allow the chaise to be either LH or RH. This is a great feature for people who want the flexibility of changing the chaise around in case you move or decide to change your room layout.

Sectional Sleepers:

Sectional sofas can take up a lot of room so a sectional sleeper can be a great way to maximize your space and accommodate guests when needed. But not all sectional sofas sleepers are the same. There are usually two different types of mechanism.

The first and most common mechanism is a pull out bed. This is a great choice if you expect people to stay longer than a few days as the memory foam mattresses are extremely comfortable. 

The other common mechanism is a collapsible chaise that pops up from under the sofa to create a bed with the existing chaise, this mechanism is great as it is easy to use and quickly to set up. But the bed is usually not as comfortable as a memory foam.

Storage Chaises:

Storage space in the chaise of the sofa is also a great feature to reclaim some of the space the sofa will take. But be aware sofas with storage are usually not reversible so make sure you are ready to commit. And don't cheap out when it comes to these sofas as producers usually cut cost by installing weak hydraulics and storage frame that will eventually collapse on you. 


We understand that buying a sectional sofa is an investment. That’s why we want to make sure that you have as much knowledge as possible so that you can make an informed decision that’s right for you, your home, and your family. If you have any other questions, you can always live chat with us, send our team an e-mail at

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